Attune is an InsurTech program where you can quote and bind commercial policies directly online in five minutes or less.
Attune is available in all 50 states depending on class and availability.
Attune offers:
Target Classes
Total insured value: $7.5 million per location or $15 million per account
Revenue limits
Square footage
Building Age
Building Height
Loss History
Prior Insurance
Hours of Operation
Endorsements Available
Available in all 50 states excluding North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, & Wyoming
Must have at least one employee excluding the owner.
No minimum payroll requirement
Attune offers PrecisePay (pay-as-you-go)
Anti-Fraud programs
Loss Control Support
Binding authority for policy premiums under $25,000. Policies over $25,000 need to be reviewed by underwriting.
Agents can add up to $10 million over any Attune BOP or Workers Comp policy.
Benefits of Attune
File claims directly with Attune
Resource Center includes
London Underwriters has limited logins to provide to our appointed agents, and we typically require agents to bind at least 3 policies with our Underwriting team to gain access to Attune. If you feel that Attune would be a good fit for your agency, please submit your request for our review.
As an appointed agent, you can have access to several InsurTech online programs such as Attune. If you would like to access Attune through London Underwriters, become appointed today.